CP members having discussion around a table

Welcome to the Corporate Program Members site for the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab.

The Corporate Program brings together top academic researchers and organizational leaders to share insights and strategies for building inclusive workplaces. 

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Interested in learning about the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab Corporate Program?

Visit our Corporate Member Overview page for more information about the program, our current list of members and how to become a member.

A sampling of our member offerings...

CP Meeting Panelists

Regular In-Person and Virtual Forums

Meetings, workshops and practitioner showcases that foster dynamic learning and collaboration

women and men in work office

Tools and Toolkits

Research-based , actionable steps for debugging people processes

image of a laptop and coffee mug

Videos and Webinars

Presentations and conversations spotlighting challenges to advancing equity in the workplace.

CP Meeting Attendees

Breaking Research

Early access to cutting-edge research, along with the latest news, articles and publications.